Our Approach
Our objective is to be your family funeral home. Our hometown approach will give you a more personal and intimate experience.
Our Story
We started Helping Hands in March 2013. You may ask why did we choose funeral services, Well..... What's was in our minds and hearts was to be there for the family during their time of grief. Death is unexplainable regardless to how a love one passes away. We have had this kind of compassion for humanity since, its a gift of love and compassion inside us that pushes us to want to help in any and every way we can to help bring some peace, joy, understanding and care to those who may be experiencing the loss of a father, mother, brother, sister, child, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, cousin, closet and dearest friend or whatever the case may be. We are here for you and it will be your funeral your way. This is our purpose our destiny our goal at HH.
And please remember we are always praying for you.
-Mrs. Nickie Livingston, Director.
Helping Hands
Nickie Livingston
Funeral Director in Charge